We work with senior Canadian philanthropists across the country to maximize the value of their donations and streamline the process of giving.

We work with senior Canadian philanthropists across the country to maximize the value of their donations and streamline the process of giving.
We help Donors increase and accelerate the impact of their donation by significantly lowering the after-tax cost. A $100,000 donation costs between $1,000 – $15,000 (1% – 15%) after-tax.
We help Donors increase the size of their donation by over 200% compared to the same after-tax cost of a traditional cash donation.
Flow-through shares have been part of the Canadian Income Tax Act for over 30 years. The chosen charity receives the total gift, net of all fees and expenses, within two business days of closing and often on the day of closing.
As Charity Flow-Through (“CFT”) financing experts, we work with companies of any market capitalization to help them access the advantages of CFT to explore and develop mineral and energy resource assets in Canada.
We work with many of Canada’s most recognizable charities in order to maximize their fundraising proceeds by reducing their donors’ after-tax cost of giving.
We provide an elite global network of institutional and strategic investors access to Canadian resource companies’ common shares, often at a discount to the market price, while the issuer receives the benefit of a premium to market and reduced dilution when issuing flow-through shares.